So, I think the gel manicures that I've been getting for over a year now are finally taking its toll on my nails. Surprised? Of course not. I'm not really upset by the the current state of my nails, which I might add are pretty crappy sans gel, but by the fact that I need to give my nails a "break" from my beloved calgel. The thought of not having perfect, shiny, long-lasting manicures that dry in 60 seconds makes me cringe.
What was life like before calgel came along? A little dramatic, I know, but it's not only about the result of having pristine manicures, but about the bonds and community created at my favorite nail place and with my nail technician. I'm not saying I don't have an appointment tomorrow to get my nails done, but I probably won't be getting gel this time.
I haven't been able to keep on the gel for more than a week and a half. My nails are really thin, and I have a split on my thumb nail that doesn't seem to be going away. I've been rocking nails au natural for more than a week. Bottom line: My nails need to be done. It's so funny how a few years ago I could care less about my nails, but now, it's become a nice little gift to myself each month.
In any case, I'm back to the drawing board and giving regular manicures a chance.
Life and times...
Keep you posted,