Hair Throwbacks

by Kiffe Coco.

One thing about going home is all the old pictures you come across. I made a little bulletin board the summer of my freshman year of college--you know--of the "summer pics." And since at the time I was spending my first summer as a "real adult" at my first internship in France...without my parents...all my pictures were of me posing. I felt so grown up.

This was the weekend of July 14th or Bastille Day: the French equivalent of July 4th. My uncle invited me to Venice with his family... and um cha'mone (in my MJ "Bad" voice) how could I say no to that? I didn't think twice about it. Hairwise, I was clearly still using all the wrong products, but the sentiment in these photos was definitely pride--the more of an outsider I felt, the more I had to make that difference clear. Here are a few photos taken back in 2005 during the "tripo" to Venice...with one of those disposable cameras. Remember those?