Healthcare: Yes We Did!

by Kiffe Coco. in

At first, I was a little discouraged due to the back and forth with our beloved Republicans. And I was thinking if we can't do this as a nation that is intended to be "for the people" then something is truly wrong with this place. Or, if I can paraphrase Bill Maher's question on the reluctance to the bill, are we dumb, or what?

"Today we have the opportunity to complete the great unfinished business of our society and pass health insurance reform for all Americans that is a right and not a privilege," said Nancy Pelosi. It is our right for each and every individual to have healthcare; and a system that profits off of the sickness of people and a system that condones money and privilege at the expense of the sick is immoral in my opinion.

Maybe we won't have to move to Canada or Europe after all, in order to enjoy benefits that we are all entitled to.

I am happy to see that we are soon on our way!