New Computer, Clean Slate!

by Kiffe Coco. in

Last Monday my MacBook of six years would execute its last and final command: Me closing out a single web page window. The screen froze, and what I knew as my digital life came to a blur then blackness. Then the “clicks of death,” or in other words the sound of my hard drive physically failing.

Before I knew of the official fate of my computer’s hard drive, I could only think of one question: How could I have not backed up my data? I was so angry with myself seeing that this was the second time I lost my data on this computer, believe it or not! Everyone around me seemed to lend encouraging words of hope on retrieval, but deep inside I knew my data had dissipated into digital space.

Tuesday it was confirmed: My hard drive failed and there was nothing I could do in terms of retrieving my lost data, aside from spending $1,300 to have my hard drive sent out to be physically extracted by specialists. Spending one thousand three hundred dollars for the “possibility” of retrieval? Of course nothing could be guaranteed, even when spending an exorbitant amount of money. One might as well get a new computer! I started coming to terms with the situation real quick. My data is precious and my memories, finished and unfinished works were all living there, but spending $1,300 on a possibility was undoable, and just plain outrageous.


It’s crazy how technology becomes an extension of the human mind. It is a place where we store our memories translated into digital images, our trains of thought, numbers, names, everything. I can’t even remember telephone numbers anymore (!) because my phone does it for me! Losing these pieces of information can be devastating, so the process becomes really that of rebuilding. Reconstructing the external limb.

I saw this as an omen to begin anew. To continue my digital life with a clean slate, of course while systematically backing up everything, every inch of the way. I’ve become very forgetful to the practice of backing up, especially when things are working fine. This time I researched and strategized a new way of backing up, resorting to what’s called a “cloud backup.” I found this to be an easy and reasonable solution for me. Instead of plugging in an external hard drive every time you want to backup, your information will be automatically backed up via the Internet every day. You sign up and pay a monthly fee that is extremely cost-effective. And if and when your hard drive fails (because it is inevitable), you have the option of being sent a new hard drive complete with your data already on it, or a downloadable disk. Problem one solved and totally worth every penny!

So the part about “might as well get a new computer,” well that’s just what I did! My old computer, technically still in working condition, was, well, old. I could have just bought a new hard drive for a couple of hundred dollars to replace the old one, but I really wanted a new laptop, and I think it was time. I’ve had my MacBook since my freshman year of college, so the years certainly took a toll on it not looking so new anymore.

Thursday after much thought, I went on the Apple Store website and purchased a new (refurbished)
MacBook Pro for $899! I am so thrilled with it, and it totally makes the sting of losing all of your data not as bad. Long story in a phrase: I LOVE MY NEW LAPTOP, ‘nuff said!

Bottom line: I will never let the issue of losing my data consume my life again (for real)! I now know that hitting “save” in Word, or backing up once every eight months aren’t enough. Always back up and show some TLC to your computer every now and then!

Grecian Vacation For Fall 2011?

by Kiffe Coco. in

You guys probably remember the post I wrote a few months ago about my vacation plan, and how very important it is to enjoy the meaning of joie de vivre, saving for something "big", let's think of it as a life present. Well, I am still going strong with my dream vacay to Greece. I haven't let go of the dream yet. In fact, this week at work I took a little break from the 9-5 daily grind and started researching the numerous islands of Greece, picturing myself not in my temporary cubicle (oh, heavens no), but surrounded by beautiful, white-washed houses nestled in mountain cliffs, jutting out like white building blocks from the crystal blue waters of the Aegean -- enjoying my barrel, yes barrel, of olives (ever since I was a kid I couldn't get enough of them, but we'll save that story for another time).

And there it was...I found my island. My beautiful little island of Santorini. Though it is touristy, there was something about it that captivated me. Perhaps it was the story of it's violent birth from a volcano, or its beautiful landscape -- I'm not sure. But Santorini is my goal...

"Wandering re-establishes the original harmony which once existed between man and the universe..."
-Anatole France

Restore Sanity and/or Fear Rally Footage

by Kiffe Coco. in

This past Saturday my boyfriend and I trekked to D.C. for the Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert rally, with a big thanks to Arianna Huffington who was so gracious as to provide buses for nearly 10 to 15 thousand energized New Yorkers. We began our journey in the cold blue blackness of the early morning sky, and ended it in a beautiful Fall afternoon among thousands who traveled to D.C. from far and wide.

It was such an empowering experience to be able to go out, express and exercise your First Amendment right. Above all, the air was not hateful or negative. If anything, it was light-hearted and fun, while of course, still getting your point across.

Here is some of the footage I captured with my camera. Trying to get my Spike Lee on!
I hope you enjoy it, for it was truly an amazing experience.

Healthcare: Yes We Did!

by Kiffe Coco. in

At first, I was a little discouraged due to the back and forth with our beloved Republicans. And I was thinking if we can't do this as a nation that is intended to be "for the people" then something is truly wrong with this place. Or, if I can paraphrase Bill Maher's question on the reluctance to the bill, are we dumb, or what?

"Today we have the opportunity to complete the great unfinished business of our society and pass health insurance reform for all Americans that is a right and not a privilege," said Nancy Pelosi. It is our right for each and every individual to have healthcare; and a system that profits off of the sickness of people and a system that condones money and privilege at the expense of the sick is immoral in my opinion.

Maybe we won't have to move to Canada or Europe after all, in order to enjoy benefits that we are all entitled to.

I am happy to see that we are soon on our way!