Get Out the Vote on November 2nd!

by Kiffe Coco.

As many of may know on Tuesday, November 2nd we will vote to  decide the "ultimate destiny" of the United States (ok, I know that's a bit dramatic, but this is something serious!)  Will the Republicans have the "keys to the House"?

I know it has been quite a process and some of us may feel frustrated that we have not seen more immediate changes to our lives (including myself). And any bill that Obama tries to pass seems like a futile struggle. I was aware from the beginning that this was not going to be an overnight fix, and that it will take years to recuperate after eight years of utter destruction and demolition of this country's economy, among other things.

We as people still hold a lot of power, and do not think for a second, what's the point? -- our vote does not count. It does! Our voting on Tuesday will decipher if we can truly see the change we believe in. I am committed to the issues at hand, such as health care and education; I want to see a better way.

Social programs like unemployment and social security I cannot sacrifice, nor do I feel like working until I'm one foot away from the grave. (To my French peeps, keep on holding out!!!)

I am voting because I believe in the future of this country, and we as citizens should get the social benefits we deserve.

And though Sweden looks like a great place, I don't know if I am ready for that move. And I don't speak Swedish.

I will be posting footage from the Restore Sanity March in D.C. this weekend. Going hard, getting up at 4:00 am to make the 5:30 am bus -- it will not be a pretty site. I apologize to my boyfriend in advance haha.

I hope some of you guys can make it to the rally. Should be fun!

And vote on Tuesday!!!

Here are some pretty cool signs that I stumbled upon on the Huffington Post website:

Any ideas?