Saving for Greece...
When I was living and working in France (like, as a student not a real person), I really learned how to appreciate what we know as, vacation. It's serious business over there. During the month of August things are shut down. Like I mean, everyone packs up and leaves for a month of r&r for "les grandes vacances." I learned that maintaining a healthy work-life balance was the key to enjoying life, or that joie de vivre.
Simple things like going out to lunch instead of eating at your desk can be a nice breath of fresh air (literally and mentally). Their lunch breaks consisted of a full two hours with the addition of a one hour coffee/ cigarette break! What a life!
Surrounded by people making their last calls to confirm their flights to and hotels in Africa, South America and the Southeast Pacific -- la di dah -- I would think, Well, these people must be loaded! But in truth, people, (regular ol' folk like you and me) simply planned and saved for these trips, like for the entire year. I know it seems like common sense, but for me that takes a lot of will power to save for a trip -- why should I save for a trip months in advance when I can spend that money now. Hard to break this mentality, but I'm going to try my best. Good things come with time, as they say. So I'm putting myself to the test. I am going to save for a vacation next summer. This time next year, I want to be in Greece!
In my case, travel is my joy of life. But everyone is different? What makes you happy? Sitting in the sunshine, laughing, meeting new people? Whatever it is, we should be feeling more and partaking in more joy! What's life without joie de vivre?