So, I prepared my henna mixture as usual (applying amla and chamomile tea). I let the henna stand for about 2 hours. Then just before I was about to get in the shower, I made my indigo paste. All that requires is mixing your indigo powder with some warm water in a plastic bowl, until it reaches a yogurt consistency. I let the indigo paste sit for the duration of time that I was in the shower (so about 15 min). After I got out, I added the henna mixture to the indigo paste (leaving more indigo than henna because I wanted my hair to be darker), mixed it together, and applied to my hair. I let that concoction sit in my hair for about 2 hours. Let me warn you that indigo smells a little funky. Anyway, when I rinsed out, I was left with a lovely, dark, dark chocolate brown color. Lord have mercy, the red was gone! Like henna, the color will oxidize within 2-3 days.
The downside: My hair was and still is left extremely DRY, even after deep conditioning my hair with a moisturizing conditioner. It is slowly starting to regain its moisture back, but it is a slow process(I've been loading up my hair with crazy amounts of coconut oil in the meantime). I liken it to the feeling of after you dye your hair with commercial hair dye. Though, I LOVED the resulting color, which left my hair looking naturally dark (not like elvira),my hair is still trying to recover from the drying effects of indigo. So if you decide to indigo, be prepared to have desert locks for a while.