Song of the Day: Sade

by Kiffe Coco. in

I have to give it to Sade - she has a style and a sound that is all her own. I don't think there will be another like her. Check out one of her earlier hits "Love is Stronger than Pride." Enjoy.

Music: K-OS

by Kiffe Coco. in ,

I love this song, I love this album, I love this man. Hailing from Toronto, k-os brings originality and lyrical fire to his music and rhyme. His music is fun, but it's not crap. Just listen to his songs and you'll see he goes deep. Anyway, check out his joint "Sunday Morning" from his 2006 album Atlantis: Hymns for Disco. He's awesome!

Music: Nina Simone

by Kiffe Coco. in ,

I'm starting off my morning with some Nina Simone. This is one of my favorite songs from her (there are many). "Four Women" will always be a special song for me. Nina's words are poetry. Check it out!