Beauford Delaney, Portrait of a Young Musician, n.d.
Firstly, hey guys! Secondly, I just have to say as soon as I laid eyes on this painting by Beauford Delaney, I was deeply intrigued.
I was introduced to this piece on Tuesday at the Studio Museum of Harlem while working a workshop, and just looking at it, I thought of Paris and then somehow, James Baldwin's image popped into my head. His scarf, his crossed legs, his expression all led me to believe that this guy had been spending some time in the City of Light! You little rascal, you! I was never familiar with Delaney's work before, but it turns out that the artist was indeed tight with James Baldwin, and did in fact spend some time in Paris. Go figure! I guess you can say the Paris effect runs deep. Once bitten, you'll start wearing scarfs as accent pieces (among other Parisian behaviors).
Some days I really miss Paris...
I, too, once sat like this, Paris 2008
P.S. Happy December!!!