This is one of my favorite times of the year mainly because I get to decorate our Christmas tree, and I'm always rearing at the gate to do so. There's nothing like the smell of pine, the warm glow of Christmas lights and a cup of hot chocolate to make everything right.
A Halloween Post (That's Long Overdue)
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. It's an excuse to let your creativity run wild, but more importantly, it's an excuse to watch horror movies, lots of them. I'm a huge horror fan. Ever since I was a kid I'd only want to watch horror movies, screw all that Disney jazz. I was into R.L. Stein and Stephen King. Just about anything that would give me goosebumps and ultimately nightmares, I loved. (Hmm, I wonder if this ever concerned my parents...). I'm not into the gory, torture stuff, but the classics, the more psychologically unsettling stuff: the Hitcocks, Kubricks, Polanskis, Romeros, and oh my god, Candyman! Let's stop right there. Now I will segue into costume talk. This Halloween (which already feels like ages ago!) I went as...maybe I'll let you guess?! It was a really last minute, thrown together costume, but I thought the idea rocked. I didn't have to buy too many supplies -- which made me happy because I'm cheap and I don't see the point of spending $150 on a pre-packaged sexy witch costume, for example. If you do spend $150 on a sexy witch costume, you better rock that costume every. single. day Halloween. In any case, I knew I hit the jackpot when someone said, Don't take this the wrong way, but you actually look like a dude. Mission accomplished!
The concept of time is an interesting one. We are always in movement towards something--another moment, another day, another year-- even when we are still.
So much has happened in 2012 I don't even know where to begin. The highlights of 2012 for me have been the birth of my nephew, Liam, getting my cat, Blue, and the reelection of President Obama (4 more years!). Of course, great happenings always comes with some less joyful, even tragic ones, both always playing a constant balancing act with each other. But at the very core of it all, it can only make us more appreciative for the things we have.
So what will 2013 bring? The start of a New Year is always particularly exciting because you start off with a clean slate, both "calendrically" and metaphorically. Cliches being cliches--I really look forward to making resolutions this one time out of the year (and why not give yourself a good excuse to accomplish something big or small).
Here are a few of my big + small resolutions (in no particular order) for
1) GYM
2) Finish Game of Thrones
3) Don't worry, be happy
4) Enjoy life, family, friends and kitty
5) Plan for that M.A.!
Wishing you all a positive and successful start to the New Year!
PS And since I am the obsessed auntie, here's a picture of my nephew! My biggest joy of 2012!
What are some of your 2013 resolutions?!
Happy Holidays!
Blue is helping me with the gift wrapping :-)
I would like to wish you all a happy and healthy holiday with much joy and success for 2013 (and beyond)!
Happy Holidays! See you all back here next year!